I am awful at exercising. The thought of working out in a gym makes me feel a bit weird! So when I had a chance to get myself a Wii with a balance board and Wii Fit Plus I jumped at the chance - in fact it was my birthday and Christmas present from Matt combined.
Its great for keeping track of my weight, I know you might say what's wrong with bathroom scales? Its nice to see it all laid out in a graph and very easy to see how its gone up and down.
There are tons of fun games to play that work on balance and mind, its nice to have something that requires me to use my mind while I'm also exercising.
The yoga is something I thought I wouldn't find fun, but its actually really good. I enjoy trying to get my balance in the right place and trying to beat my previous scores. There are also muscle workouts, and you can pick a male or female trainer.
The aerobics are my favourite part. You have the hula hooping, which is a fab workout for my waist. The jogging is great, its a good warm up for everything else. I enjoy the boxing as I feel its working my arms and my coordination.
I think the game I use the most is the Free Steps, its very very basic step aerobics, but you can just follow the instructions on the remote (by listening) and then switch over to watch normal TV. Which I love as I love TV! I watch so many different tv series that I can keep up with it all while getting my 30 mins a day exercise.
My best friend Leigh now comes round to mine twice a week to use the Wii Fit. Which makes me more motivated to try and beat her scores!! Also its nice to have her round and catch up while we workout :) I think her boyfriend should buy her one for Christmas! Although I'd still love her to come to mind and use it she really wants one at her house.