

Just updated my Day Zero list

Here it is updated, Green highlighted means I've completed it! Red failed, and any other colour is like nearly done..

Start Date 3rd January 2011
End Date 30th September 2013

A day zero list or also known at 101 in 1001. Basically is a list of 101 things I would like to achieve over 1001 days.
Maybe it will get me off my butt more often. I'm finding it hard just to think of 101 things so just the list is going to be a challenge to start with!
I hope to blog about the things I do and link them back to this post with links and pictures etc so I can keep track, and there may be times when the things on the list turn out to be a bit harder than I planned and I will notate when I feel I cant finish that goal.

Also these are in a random order! I just am writing them as I think of them!

  1. Lose 10lbs
  2. Take Jared to the Blue Reef Aquarium - 22/02/2011 Did this for his 3rd birthday
  3. Take Jared to the zoo (Matts parents have done this but I want to take him too) We all went to Marwell in August
  4. Give away/sell some of Jareds old toys Gave a load of toys away to a friend
  5. Get Jared into a nursery/pre school and sort school applications out Done Dec 2011 (he already goes to nursery, just did his school applications!
  6. Move into a bigger house
  7. Teach Jared to draw a face
  8. Start only having one sugar in my tea and actually like it! 08/01/11 - Not had more than one sugar in my tea all week. Doing well so crossed it off :D
  9. Get married
  10. Toilet train Jared to wee on the big toilet and standing up He wee's on the big loo, but not standing yet 06/02/11
  11. Go to the cinema with Matt (ive not been for years!)
  12. Put my photos in photo albums
  13. Put photos in photo frame clock Done this and its on the wall thanks to Matt (06/01/11)
  14. Explore more shops along Albert Road
  15. Buy a dining table and chairs
  16. Eat food at the table as a family once a week
  17. Keep up with my 365 photo project  - Nearly done
  18. Go on the Wii Fit for 2 hours (total over the week) at least every week
  19. Drink more water - have a week off tea and just drink water all week
  20. Have a nice garden and plant some nice flowers
  21. Have a car boot sale
  22. Sell something on Ebay
  23. Go to the science museum (London) with Matt and Jared
  24. Have a family holiday with Matt and Jared (in the UK)
  25. Get a passport
  26. Have a holiday abroad
  27. Teach Jared his ABC's Knows them all!
  28. Teach Jared to count to 20 Done
  29. Get a decent mobile phone! Something touchscreen! Got a HTC Hero from my lovely Fiancé as he got a brand new HD Desire
  30. Buy a new house phone Feb 2011
  31. Cook a homemade meal for the family with plenty left to freeze once a fortnight
  32. Get a DVD/Blu-ray/games stand/rack
  33. Get several decent bookcases
  34. Donate blood
  35. Go on a picnic
  36. Get my legs and other parts waxed
  37. Pay to have my haircut at a salon - Had it done by a hairdresser in my house, and paid...that counts!
  38. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy
  39. Go to Cornwall and sit on a sandy beach
  40. Finish listening to my Lord of The Rings audiobook
  41. Bake a cake (not just fairy cakes)
  42. Get promoted at work or apply for something else that's not what I currently do! - Changed jobs!!! August 2011
  43. Spend a more days out with friends that have children so Jared can socialise (and me)!
  44. Go and visit my older brother
  45. Take Jared for a walk in some woods
  46. Go swimming
  47. Go to story time or song time with Jared at the library once a month
  48. Have a professionally family photo taken and purchased
  49. Do all my Christmas 2011 shopping before December - Didnt finish it all before Dec
  50. Get a bike and go on bike rides with Jared and Matt
  51. Run the Race for life (or walk it) Done it July 2011 :) In a god time, was 38 mins!
  52. Raise money for charity See above raised over £100
  53. Teach Jared to read - He can read a lot of letters, and can read his name :)
  54. Register with a dentist
  55. Buy some wellington boots
  56. Let my natural hair colour grow out
  57. Have a day out with my younger brothers
  58. Wear an earring in my 2nd pierced hole
  59. Finish Jareds babybook
  60. Have a night every fortnight with Matt with no computers on, just watching a film together - We do usually have a TV/Film night every week :)
  61. Go to Petersfield Lake with Jared and Matt
  62. Go to Porchester castle with Jared and Matt
  63. Have a day out at the Isle of Wight
  64. Go on a hovercraft
  65. Have our carpets cleaned
  66. Take Jared to play football on Southsea Common
  67. Take Jared to a soft play centre again at least 5 times
  68. Have a nice meal out with Matt
  69. Do something special for mine and Matt's 5 year anniversary We had a weekend of getting drunk, that's special enough for me!
  70. Throw Jared a birthday party
  71. Draw a picture once a month
  72. Get photos printed every month
  73. Tell Matt I love him everyday
  74. Display Jared's artwork somewhere at home
  75. Have a night out with friends once every 3 months
  76. Buy a new coat - November 2011
  77. Fly a kite with Jared - We did this in Summer 2011
  78. Take Jared to the fairground
  79. Teach Jared to write his name
  80. Paint my nails once every fortnight - Failing this one
  81. Design my tattoo
  82. Get a tattoo
  83. Walk from Eastney to Clarence Pier with Jared in the summer
  84. Upload Jared's photos he takes with his camera
  85. Don't turn on my laptop for one whole week - DID THIS WHEN IT BROKE 2011 sometime!
  86. have a day out shopping with my best friend Leigh in Brighton
  87. Get my bra size properly measured at a bra shop rather than just guessing
  88. Take vitamins everyday FAILED!
  89. Go to the pub with just my mum
  90. Spend more time with my dad
  91. Get to the bottom of the never ending laundry
  92. Get rid/sell the big pushchair and have Jared walk everywhere
  93. Sort out the cupboard of stuff in the hallway (mine and Matt's years of hoarding)
  94. Take Jared to a panto
  95. Reorganize the living room
  96. Give some clothes to charity
  97. Only have chip shop chips once a month
  98. Only have one other takeaway once a month
  99. Own a dishwasher
  100. Visit natural history museum (London)
  101. Go to a festival (been too many years since I have)

Jared singing the ACB song


25 years young

I can't believe I just turned 25. Doesn't feel like I'm a grown up some days, in my head I still feel like a 16 year old.

When I was a kid I had this idea that at 25 years old I would be married and then start having children. I'm lucky as I already have the most beautiful son.  I'm engaged to Matt and love him so much. So I'm nearly there already!
We are slowly making wedding plans! I have lots of ideas. Setting a date is the hard part. and trying to save to pay for a wedding is a very slow progress. We will get married one day and I don't think it is as important as I used to think it was. We love each other and live like we are married but our names are not the same - but they will be one day.

I had a great birthday, got stupidly drunk on the first night of the weekend and spent the rest of it regretting getting drunk when I had planned another night out the next day! The 2nd night out was supposed to be the bigger night out, but I didn't feel like being out at all. I did still go out and have a lot of drinks. Had really fun times with my best friend. The in-laws had Jared from Friday to Monday it was so nice to have some time to myself, even it I spent all of it walking around like a zombie! Matt was away at a festival, which I said he could go to as I didn't really want to go that particular festival. On the Sunday (my actual birthday) I really missed him lots, it was so odd being away from him and Jared for a whole weekend.

I need to blog more, I say this every time I write a blog. I get serious writing blocks.

Jelly Belly

Sitting here waiting for 8.50am to roll around and to take Jared to nursery, then I'm off to the shops to buy some fresh fruit and bacon! 

So yesterday I decided it was time to start eating a bit healthier - I know bacon doesn't sound like the healthiest choice, but in the way I'm choosing to eat its the best for me. I'm doing my own version of Atkins or a low carb diet. I don't like to really call it a diet as I still get to eat as much food as I like I'm just cutting out a lot of starchy food and white processed floury foods. So no white bread, flour, rice, pasta. No potatoes, crisps, biscuits, chocolate or other sweets and cutting out sugar as much as I can. However I can eat meat, even fatty meat, eggs, cheese, most veggies and some fruit, and a little amount of carbs in the form of wholemeal grains/bread and veg. So I can still have my fave, which is Chicken and veg, just without the potatoes! 

I've done it before and lost nearly a stone, I was 11stone and dropped to just under 10st but the last 6 months I've been eating badly and the weight has crept up again, not by much, but I can see my mummy/baby jelly belly starting to come back! I also have been avoiding exercise. I need to get back in shape if I want to run (not walk or jog, actually wanted to get fit and run) the Race for Life next month too. You can sponsor me for this there is a link in the sidebar of my blog :)

I swear I wrote a post about this not that long ago in my blog, So I didnt stick to it when I planned to do it! Oops I wouldn't be surprised if it was almost identical. 


Nursery and blog laziness

I realise I've been a bit naughty with my blogging of recent. I've not kept anything up to date. My 30 day song challenge has stopped. I won't continue it as It feels like nobody really cares anyway! I have still been doing my 365 project, but uploading the photos and organizing them on here isn't as simple as Facebook so that link needs some big updating, I may link it to my Facebook album. My day zero list is still a work in progress but many of the things I said I would do regularly have also been forgotten. Wow I need to get my act together.

Jared started nursery school last week, its been a big change in our life.

Jared on his first day at 'school'
 The first few days Jared cried his heart out and didn't want to go - of course he was fine once we left and played nicely all morning and didn't want to leave when he was picked up. This week he asked to go as soon as he woke up. Very cute. He tells me all he does is play with trains - typical of Jared! It's been really refreshing to have a few more hours to myself to do little things like go shopping and get some housework done in peace and even catch up with some TV.
I also changed my shifts at work and now do two 8 hour shifts instead of my 16 hours being spread over 3 days, its also nice to only have to work 2 days a week :)

I wish the weather would heat up a bit. I want to do nice things outside with my  family. Take Jared out a bit more, have a picnic on the common and play some football with him. We are both full of cold right now though so even if it was sunny and lovely I don't think we would feel like doing anything!

Bust my buffers

Its appears that I have a son who is a bit train mad. I have known this for a while. I remember first watching Thomas the Tank Engine with him when Nick Jnr used to play the old series' in the morning. I thought oh I must get him more interested in trains. You see my youngest brother Liam is a bit train mad too, and I knew when Liam grows out of his train toys he would most likely give all his train stuff to Jared - Liam still loves his trains, so we haven't inherited the train stuff yet!

Anyway Jared seemed to like the trains, his Grandma started off the habit by getting him some Thomas bath toys. I also had some plastic pull back Thomas trains for him and then I started finding bits of Thomas (Tomy Tomica/Trackmaster) track online and brought a couple of battery powered engines for that track. Which have been added to. I try not to buy too much of this track set as my brother has the biggest collection ever of it, which one day Jared will be able to have.

But nothing compares to Jareds collection of the Take Along/Take N Play diecast trains. Anyone who has been round our house will know that Jared likes to show off his trains, and will have been told who some of them are.

We have quite a lot! We also have a massive Take Along track that was in sale thanks to Grandma and Grandad Brydon! I have also added to this track and brought extra parts for it.

Anyway here is the almighty diecast collection in its glory!

Now not only does he love collecting these trains, but he also seems to think he is a train sometimes. Some funny phrases pop out of his mouth. He likes to pretend that all pavements are railway tracks and is always "changing tracks" and the "signals". Jared loves saying "Bust my buffers" and when his buttons come undone on his jeans he tells me "oh no my couplings" (train connectors for those not train clued up!) 

I love his train madness. Everything can be a train track for him its very cute. As is our Jared :)

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 17/18/19

Well days 17 and 18 are  about music listened to on the radio and well I dont ever listen to the radio. 

So heres day 19 - a song from your favorite album

Well my fave album is prob Kosheen - Resist. But  I have  posted a few songs from that already. So going to post a song from my fave album right now. 


30 Day Song Challenge Day 15 - a song that describes you

30 Day Song Challenge Day 15 - a song that describes you

Oh god this was an effort to think of something, when I remembered this song!

Anyone who has ever been out drinking with me will know my reaction to people trying to chat me up or my friends when we dont want to be! I think this song describes my attitude towards those that attempt it!


30 Day Song Challenge - Day 9

Day 9 - A song you can dance to

I  can dance to a lot of songs, but anyone close to me will understand this track is a bit of a classic for me when it comes to dancing. If I hear it and I'm out I will do a sily dance routine like a 14 year old :D haha


30 Day Song Challenge - Day 7 - Glastonbury 02

Day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event 

Ok I'm going to be a bit cheeky and post an actual video of this band/song at an event - it was the time I fell in love with Kosheen. I saw them live at Glastonbury in 2002 and fell head over heels with this band. It was an awesome weekend and when I listen to Kosheen it takes me back to Glasto 02 :D


30 Day Song Challenge - Day 6 - A song that reminds you of somewhere

A song that reminds you of somewhere - This song reminds me of Route 66  (a club in Portsmouth - now renamed Pure) On a Monday night @ Delight (a weekly alternative/indie aimed at students etc night)

Dancing the night away with friends and getting a bit hammered!


30 Day Song Challenge - Day 5

Day 5 - A song that reminds you of someone

This always reminds me of my mum. She used to play Melanie a lot when I was younger so brings back memories of her singing it round the house when we lived in Portchester


30 Day Song Challenge - Day 4

A song that makes you sad - Kosheen - I want it all

Just always makes me think back to when I wanted to be with Matt (b4 we were together) and how much I needed him to be all mine.

I could only find a live version of this track but its still sung just as beautiful

Tide keeps rolling in
I stand watching it
Keep on
giving it to
Silence over me
Keep on holding me
Every night
I know where you sleep
And it's hurting me
It's hurting me

When I want it all
For myself
I want it all
I want him for myself
I want it all

You tease me
Telling me
It's over
Wait and see
Leave it
You're lying
When you tell me
You're not happy
Come to me
For sympathy
Every night
I know where you sleep
And it's hurting me
It's hurting me

Tide keeps rolling in
I stand watching
As you keep on
giving it to
Keep on
Keep it on
Time isn't holding us
Isn't after us
It's hurting me


Flashback Friday - Portchester Castle

 I''m not sure of the dates of these photos, they were all taken at Portchester Castle  I should have asked my mum. I'm guessing I was about 9/10 maybe I'm not really sure. I loved going there, and lived locally at some points in my life - I moved about a lot as a kid.

 I want to take Jared there one day for a day out, its only a 15 min  train ride and a 20 min walk away, just gotta find a day thats nice and hopefully take him in the summer.

I went over to my mums house yesterday and scanned in the photos of me and her and uploaded them to FB for her. I love old photos! The one of my and my brother I had scanned into my PC a while ago.
Me and my mum
Me and my older brother Martin

Me and my mum again

If you want to take part in Flashback Friday and share your own memories head over to Café Bébé

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 - A song that makes you happy

It's actually a song on a mix CD that runs all as one track, and this is my fave part of it, I cant get this particular track mix as a single I have to play the full 67 minutes of it - unless I go on youtube! :)

It always makes me happy to listen to it for certain reasons

I love the lyrics

Can't wait 'till this day is over, can't wait for this day to be done.
Can't wait feel the end is closer, you can't keep me holding on.
'Cause I'm drown by a feeling, the night is calling me.
I'm ready to start living, where music flows free.

Take me or leave me, I am what I will be.
Live young and so free, make this reality.
Break through and feel it, just like that first kiss.
And now you won't miss, life is bliss, could bliss be this? Yeah!

Midnight, the real me,
I'm shining, oh can't you see?
Midnight, I'm letting myself go,
I'm lost in the rythm, the night takes control.

Can't get up I must come down, can't get the bells to stop ringing.
Can't reject and leave now, 9 to 5 has lost its meaning.
Dear I'm sure you know this feeling, you know what's on my mind.
'Cause when the night comes i'm leaving, leaving it all behind.

Take me or leave me, I am what I will be.
Live young and so free, make this reality.
Break through and feel it, just like that first kiss.
And now you want this, life is bliss, could bliss be this? Yeah! 


30 Day Song Challenge - Day 2

 Your least favorite song

This is hard. I can think of loads of toss I don't like, I don't think I can  pinpoint it to one particular song though. So just a song/artist that I don't like right now is Justin Bieber and that Baby Baby Baby song. See I dont even know what the actual title is for it. Argh  well gets on my nerves. I'm not even going to post a music video to show it. 


30 Day Song Challenge - Day 1 - Your favorite song

Ok so I've decided to take part in the challenge of songness :)

Day 1 - Your favorite song

I have a lot of songs I consider to be faves. Loads. Im fact I really had to think about it. I even looked at my most played tracks on Last FM to have a think about it! and it still took a lot to narrow it down.

Anyway here;s what I have narrowed it down to for the time being. A lot of my other favourites will feature in the challenge

Shy FX & T-Power - Feelings

It's a fab tune, reminds me of lots of dancy times :) The video is totally rubbish, but I don't like it because of the video!


Metal Mummy's Movie Meme - Week 4

Hooray time for another Metal Mummy's Moveie Meme.

I was skipped last week as I 
didn't have a clue about directors. This week's topic however is a great theme as its an actor from one of my favourite films. 

Leonardo DiCaprio

I have always loved him in The Beach. It's not everyone cup of tea, most people tell me they think its an awful film. However I really liked it. 

The plot (via IMDBTwenty-something Richard travels to Thailand and finds himself in possession of a strange map. Rumours state that it leads to a solitary beach paradise, a tropical bliss - excited and intrigued, he sets out to find it.

My favourite part of the film is when they find "the beach" paradise. Its beautiful. With Moby's song Porcelain (the song in the trailer above) playing as they see it for the first time, its amazing. I love the romance between Richard and Françoise too

The soundtrack on the film is really good too

Leonardo in the film is great, I think he portrays the role really well. Ok its likely this inst his best performance,  but overall I like the character he plays. Plus I was a teenager back when it came out. I had it on VHS and watched it over and over. It helps that Leo is pretty too :)

The film goes off in a weird direction after a while and sometimes I just like the it while everything is perfect, but perfect doesn't last and everything goes tits up, the film takes a dark turn and I think that's what makes it interesting

The other film I love of his is Titanic (another I watched to death) I also enjoyed Inception and Shutter Island

I have Revolutionary Road (with Leo and Kate Winslet) recorded on my V+ box to watch too, this has prompted me to get round to watching it!

Anyway check out more DiCaprio fans (or some people who may slate him) and join in with your own opinions over at Metal Mummy's Movie Meme


Flashback Friday - 17 years young

Flashback Friday

A meme I love as I love photos especially old ones!

Here's me aged about 16/17 look at that tiny tummy! Skinny arms and just tiny me!

Heres another one of how small I was. I'm slighty vain and I love these few pics of myself. Just a bit sad I can't be that small - but I was prob a bit too small, but I was 16/17! 

and another...

Check out more old photos at CafĂ© BĂ©bĂ© and link up too :)


What's going on with me

Sat here thinking about how I have not really wrote a blog in while, I've done a few blog memes but that's about it. I've been ultra lazy with it all recently. I'm reading a lot of blogs, but no effort to be a good blogger this month!

So what's going on with me. Last month we celebrated 2 big things. The first was that me and Matt have been together for 5 years, we had a lovely weekend of going out drinking and being child free :)
The 2nd big thing was Jared's third birthday, Matt and I took him to the Blue Reef Aquarium. Jared wasn't overly excited he just wanted to go outside!

It was a nice morning out and I wanted to do some other things at the seafront, however the weather was awful so we just popped to Waitrose on the way home and brought lots of lovely yummy things to pig out on together and had a nice family day. Then his Aunty Sarah and Aunty Leigh came over we ate lots of yummy cake.

My mind is struggling to think about what else I have been up to recently. So that will do for now!

Well today I decided to call a nursery to arrange enrolling Jared and we have an interview and to have a look around. Its also just a 2 min walk from our home so very handy. If he does end up going there he will start in May for 15 hrs a week spread over 3/4 days. Will be really good for Jared to socialise and learn some new things.

I've been cooking a lot too recently. Something I really am starting to enjoy, I used to think I can't cook, so I'm not going to, but my confidence has grown and I can attempt a few things now.

Anyway I  was asked to write a blog post today over at as I Tweeted about some photos of Southsea I had taken - check out the blog and see my post and photos :)

Listography - 5 Pet Hates

Have just discovered a new meme. Listography @ Kate Takes 5 -  This weeks theme is Pet Hates.


And now I have to choose my 5 pet hates

1. Cyclists.
I don't mind if they ride on the road or on a designated cycle path. But when grown adults ride a bike on the pavement and expect me to move out of there way I get so angry I could push them off. I'm not moving for you - you should be cycling on the road!!! (Kids on bikes on pavements are fine, they are still learning, over the age of 14 is not acceptable!)

2. Cars that don't indicate.
I walk everywhere. I don't drive, but what really annoys me is if I'm out and about and trying to cross a road and I see a car coming I will wait, then it turns into another road without indicating. If I had seen the car indicate I could have already crossed without waiting for the stupid car to come past. I know indicators are mainly for other motorists, and if there are no cars about  drivers don't use them as much, but think about pedestrians! Taxi drivers are the worst for this!

3. Dog mess. 
There are dog mess bins up and down the streets where I live. However I find myself having to dodge dog mess on a daily basis. It's lazy of dog owners not to pick it up. Jared doesn't always look at the floor when he is walking and I have to direct him around the shit that is on the street. It's vile. It was worse when I had the pushchair and my wheels went through it.

4. People Who Type Like This Every Time They Write Anything. For No Good Reason
You don't start every word with a capital letter. Also people who type like this - I lyKe yOo aNd ThiNk thAt yoU aRe gReat. What is the point, it is difficult to read and makes you look like a 5 year old. I have a few FB friends who start every word with a capital letter and it drives me bonkers. Please stop doing it!

5. Female hygiene/sanitary adverts
Seriously do you really need to see a sanitary towel on a roller coaster or on a bucking bronco! As those are the things that show us how it works. They are stupid and annoying. Adverts for thrush tablets annoy me too. If you had a problem down there you would look up these kind of products yourself or see your GP. They make me cringe.

If you want to join in click the link above and pick up the button link up your post too :)


Blogging from bed.

Just installed a Blogger app on my phone. So can blog from anywhere. Also found Google reader for android too.

Jared has been poorly with a cold and cough the last few days. Heartbreaking to see him upset over it and not being able to help. Lucky I got to leave work early today so I could spend more time with him.

Hope he wakes up feeling better.

Metal Mummy's Movie Meme - Week 2 Black and White

This week the theme is Black and White. Now I could think of some modern films that have a black and white twist, but I couldnt think of many films that I had watched and really really enjoyed. Then I kept thinking of some old 1930's musicals and tried my hardest to remember which one I watched! After going through many clips on Youtube I narrowed it down to this

Shall we Dance

The plot via Wikipedia Peter P Peters (Astaire), an American ballet dancer billed as 'Petrov' dances for a ballet company in Paris owned by the bumbling Jeffrey Baird (Horton). Peters secretly wants to blend classical ballet with modern jazz dancing, and when he sees a photo of tapdancer Linda Keene (Rogers), he falls in love with her. He contrives to meet her, but she's less than impressed. They meet again on a liner travelling back to New York. Unknown to them, a plot is launched as a publicity stunt, 'proving' that they're actually married. Peters and Keene, unable to scotch the rumour, decide to actually marry and immediately divorce. But they discover that they prefer being married.

I love Fred Astaire and I love old musicals. I love the glamour and the comedy of these films. I cant say a lot about this film as I watched it once on tv and my memory is shocking these days. But I do enjoy a musical, especially the old classic hollywood black and whites. However now we have Sky movies and HD I don't see much of the TCM channel anymore!

It was really hard to find clips of the actual full songs, I guess from copyright, only parts of dancing and peoples own made clips with music not from the film over the top.

If you want to share your views on movies check out Metal Mummy's Movie Meme


365 Project

I have decided to make an album of my 365 photos on my blog again on a separate page - so if you want to have a look click here 365 Project

 I have added a link to the sidebar too and will most likely tweet when I have something new so follow me on twitter @Southsea_Mum

I wanted to make it so you could comment on each picture, but had enough trouble getting them all in the correct order in the first place, I used to be good with website stuff but since having Jared it's all fallen out of my brain! Mumnesia!

Silent Sunday - Poorly boys

Silent Sunday



I thought I'd start a little linky. I may not have many followers, but I just wanted to give it a go and read about friendships.

 So here we go. The topic is Friendship. You can write about your best friend, your friendship with your partner, your friendship with anyone you like. Once you have wrote a fab post no matter how long or short link it up on the linky thing below my post :)

I love my best friend. We may not speak to each other every single day, we don't speak on the phone, we don't text each other very often, we chat online and see each other about once a week, sometimes less depending on how busy we are.

I always though that best friends were the kind of people who say each other all the time, are always on the phone and constantly texting each other. It doesn't work that way in our friendship.

I think because we give each other space that makes our friendship stronger. Your true friends need to know when you need space as well as your friendship. I'm naturally a bit of a loner - by that I mean I love my alone time, and she lets me have it. Sometimes you really don't want someone bugging you to check your ok 5 times a day! We respect each others space.

When we do get together we talk about everything, and we are honest. Sometimes overly honest, as a recent TV sitcom friendship said the other day you always have a friend who speaks the "harsh truth" (that was Ellie and Jules in Cougar town) I think we are like that with each other. I can see that friendship being us one day!

My best friend is honest, makes me smile, she tells me what I want to hear as well as what I sometimes don't want to but I need to, she is there when I need her, she is fun to be around whether we are out at a club a pub or just sat round each others houses watching daytime tv, she is beautiful and she's also a fab Aunty to Jared :)

I love my best friend Leigh lots.

I think we should all blog about our friends from time to time, tell me about yours?

Flashback Friday - Spotty dress

I love old photos, and being the vain person that I am I love old photos of myself. It wasn't hard to dig up a few old ones. In fact I have a photo album on Facebook with nearly 100 photos that have been scanned and uploaded.

Here's a picture of me at playschool I'm guessing I was about 4

I love the dress. Not sure about the collar. My hair was so blonde. It was like this till I was about 13. then it started to go mousy and eventually I started to dye it. It hasn't been natural since my teens.

When I look at this I can see Jared in me.

Anyway for more great Flashback photos go click the link below

Like me on Facebook? If you want!

Ooo I have a new Facebook "Like" Page :) Very exciting. Not sure if I will get many followers, but I am trying to grow my blog, so hopefully this will help get my little blog some readers.

Click the link in the sidebar or visit here.

I linked up on Metal Mummys page why don't you too?

Southsea Boutique Market

I am looking forward to next Saturday as not far from me there is going to be a Boutique Market. I thought I would post some info here for the event as I would like to help spread the word about it

Please have a look at the poster- if you click on it the poster will appear larger.

The main aim of the Southsea Boutique Market is to give the community a place to sell that is family friendly and for businesses who do not have their own shops or premises a chance to showcase themselves.

It will have a vintage-market-carboot-feel, but without the cold weather and the early morning start!

We will have plenty to look at, buy and see.
There will be bike demonstrations, reiki demonstrations, yoga advice, delicious tea and cake for sale in our vintage cafe area courtesy of The tea Party.
Little girls can have their nails done by Princess Pamper Parties.
Wooden children's toys available from Playful Child, beautiful handmade Anne Claire Petit crochet toys and clothes, funky ethical kids clothing by suppliers to Harrods, Stardust Kids and Kids Cottons baby clothes.
Plants and shabby chic items.
A stall by Albert Road's On The Rocks and new to the block, Butterfly Cosmetics.
Hand crafted items lovingly created especially for the market by local traders.
As well as an array of wonderful vintage and pre-loved clothing, books and toys for silly prices!

There is more info availible here


Soundtrack of my life

Ok I've been tagged by the lovely Metal Mummy for Soundtrack of my Life. Here's the rules

If you have an ipod, mp3 player, spotify playlist that you think says a lot about you I’d like you to join me in putting your playlist on shuffle and listing your first 5 tracks. You can add a note about why you have that particular track on your playlist if you’d like to. We all have a track or two we wouldn't like to admit to having on a playlist so no cheating by skipping a track!!

Ok the title was misleading. As well I thought I'd be looking to choose the music that is my soundtrack, not really random from a playlist.

I'm going to use my Spotify Starred tracks playlist. Tracks that I have clicked the star next to recently as I've been going through my music. Its a random mix of recent stuff and old so hopefully it will bring up some interesting tracks!

1. The Streets - Don't mug Yourself

I used to listen to the Streets a lot in my past. I'm not so keen on anything except their first album, which this track is from. There is nothing much to write about it really. I just like the song!

2. Eliza Doolittle - Skinny Genes

I love Eliza sooo much. Her voice is beautiful. Matt came across a track of hers whilst stumbling online and played it to me, and I was hooked. Her debut studio album is awesomeness. I hope to go see her live. This track is about her hooking up with someone and I love the way she sings i

3. Junior Murvin - Police & Thieves

One from my childhood. My dad used to listen to a lot of reggae and this is from an album he had. I remember lots of times as a teenager sitting in a smokey living room... with my dad whilst we had a record on the record player plus drinking tea and eating toast.

4. Britney Spears - 3

Just love this tune. I love a bit of Britney Spears. I'm a sucker for a pop tune.

5. Panic! at the Disco - But its Better if You Do

Oh so many memories. I first moved out of a family home in Jan 2006 I was 19. I moved in with my friend Leigh. She was more of a friend of a friend back then. I lived in a house with her and her bf to start with, then it changed to her an another girl mate, then Leigh and her brother. Eventually Matt moved in with me in that house too. It was a great time, a lot of ups and downs living in Wykeham Road. Aaaand we listened to a lot of Panic! at The Disco. I could write for hours about all the great things that happened under that roof, but I won't today! I'm glad this track came up as It made me smile and made me think of a time when things were a lot simpler. Going out drinking and having a good time 4+ times a week! Good time :0)
Me and Leigh are best friends now. She means the world to me. So it reminds me of her. It reminds me of getting together with Matt too as I lived there when we got together.

You have been tagged - means you have to have a go too! And I guess as Metal Mummy tagged 3 people I will tag 3 people and then you 3 have to do the same!