Sat here thinking about how I have not really wrote a blog in while, I've done a few blog memes but that's about it. I've been ultra lazy with it all recently. I'm reading a lot of blogs, but no effort to be a good blogger this month!
So what's going on with me. Last month we celebrated 2 big things. The first was that me and Matt have been together for 5 years, we had a lovely weekend of going out drinking and being child free :)
The 2nd big thing was Jared's third birthday, Matt and I took him to the Blue Reef Aquarium. Jared wasn't overly excited he just wanted to go outside!
It was a nice morning out and I wanted to do some other things at the seafront, however the weather was awful so we just popped to Waitrose on the way home and brought lots of lovely yummy things to pig out on together and had a nice family day. Then his Aunty Sarah and Aunty Leigh came over we ate lots of yummy cake.
My mind is struggling to think about what else I have been up to recently. So that will do for now!
Well today I decided to call a nursery to arrange enrolling Jared and we have an interview and to have a look around. Its also just a 2 min walk from our home so very handy. If he does end up going there he will start in May for 15 hrs a week spread over 3/4 days. Will be really good for Jared to socialise and learn some new things.
I've been cooking a lot too recently. Something I really am starting to enjoy, I used to think I can't cook, so I'm not going to, but my confidence has grown and I can attempt a few things now.
Anyway I was asked to write a blog post today over at as I Tweeted about some photos of Southsea I had taken - check out the
blog and see my post and photos :)