

Bust my buffers

Its appears that I have a son who is a bit train mad. I have known this for a while. I remember first watching Thomas the Tank Engine with him when Nick Jnr used to play the old series' in the morning. I thought oh I must get him more interested in trains. You see my youngest brother Liam is a bit train mad too, and I knew when Liam grows out of his train toys he would most likely give all his train stuff to Jared - Liam still loves his trains, so we haven't inherited the train stuff yet!

Anyway Jared seemed to like the trains, his Grandma started off the habit by getting him some Thomas bath toys. I also had some plastic pull back Thomas trains for him and then I started finding bits of Thomas (Tomy Tomica/Trackmaster) track online and brought a couple of battery powered engines for that track. Which have been added to. I try not to buy too much of this track set as my brother has the biggest collection ever of it, which one day Jared will be able to have.

But nothing compares to Jareds collection of the Take Along/Take N Play diecast trains. Anyone who has been round our house will know that Jared likes to show off his trains, and will have been told who some of them are.

We have quite a lot! We also have a massive Take Along track that was in sale thanks to Grandma and Grandad Brydon! I have also added to this track and brought extra parts for it.

Anyway here is the almighty diecast collection in its glory!

Now not only does he love collecting these trains, but he also seems to think he is a train sometimes. Some funny phrases pop out of his mouth. He likes to pretend that all pavements are railway tracks and is always "changing tracks" and the "signals". Jared loves saying "Bust my buffers" and when his buttons come undone on his jeans he tells me "oh no my couplings" (train connectors for those not train clued up!) 

I love his train madness. Everything can be a train track for him its very cute. As is our Jared :)

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 17/18/19

Well days 17 and 18 are  about music listened to on the radio and well I dont ever listen to the radio. 

So heres day 19 - a song from your favorite album

Well my fave album is prob Kosheen - Resist. But  I have  posted a few songs from that already. So going to post a song from my fave album right now. 


30 Day Song Challenge Day 15 - a song that describes you

30 Day Song Challenge Day 15 - a song that describes you

Oh god this was an effort to think of something, when I remembered this song!

Anyone who has ever been out drinking with me will know my reaction to people trying to chat me up or my friends when we dont want to be! I think this song describes my attitude towards those that attempt it!