

Just updated my Day Zero list

Here it is updated, Green highlighted means I've completed it! Red failed, and any other colour is like nearly done..

Start Date 3rd January 2011
End Date 30th September 2013

A day zero list or also known at 101 in 1001. Basically is a list of 101 things I would like to achieve over 1001 days.
Maybe it will get me off my butt more often. I'm finding it hard just to think of 101 things so just the list is going to be a challenge to start with!
I hope to blog about the things I do and link them back to this post with links and pictures etc so I can keep track, and there may be times when the things on the list turn out to be a bit harder than I planned and I will notate when I feel I cant finish that goal.

Also these are in a random order! I just am writing them as I think of them!

  1. Lose 10lbs
  2. Take Jared to the Blue Reef Aquarium - 22/02/2011 Did this for his 3rd birthday
  3. Take Jared to the zoo (Matts parents have done this but I want to take him too) We all went to Marwell in August
  4. Give away/sell some of Jareds old toys Gave a load of toys away to a friend
  5. Get Jared into a nursery/pre school and sort school applications out Done Dec 2011 (he already goes to nursery, just did his school applications!
  6. Move into a bigger house
  7. Teach Jared to draw a face
  8. Start only having one sugar in my tea and actually like it! 08/01/11 - Not had more than one sugar in my tea all week. Doing well so crossed it off :D
  9. Get married
  10. Toilet train Jared to wee on the big toilet and standing up He wee's on the big loo, but not standing yet 06/02/11
  11. Go to the cinema with Matt (ive not been for years!)
  12. Put my photos in photo albums
  13. Put photos in photo frame clock Done this and its on the wall thanks to Matt (06/01/11)
  14. Explore more shops along Albert Road
  15. Buy a dining table and chairs
  16. Eat food at the table as a family once a week
  17. Keep up with my 365 photo project  - Nearly done
  18. Go on the Wii Fit for 2 hours (total over the week) at least every week
  19. Drink more water - have a week off tea and just drink water all week
  20. Have a nice garden and plant some nice flowers
  21. Have a car boot sale
  22. Sell something on Ebay
  23. Go to the science museum (London) with Matt and Jared
  24. Have a family holiday with Matt and Jared (in the UK)
  25. Get a passport
  26. Have a holiday abroad
  27. Teach Jared his ABC's Knows them all!
  28. Teach Jared to count to 20 Done
  29. Get a decent mobile phone! Something touchscreen! Got a HTC Hero from my lovely Fiancé as he got a brand new HD Desire
  30. Buy a new house phone Feb 2011
  31. Cook a homemade meal for the family with plenty left to freeze once a fortnight
  32. Get a DVD/Blu-ray/games stand/rack
  33. Get several decent bookcases
  34. Donate blood
  35. Go on a picnic
  36. Get my legs and other parts waxed
  37. Pay to have my haircut at a salon - Had it done by a hairdresser in my house, and paid...that counts!
  38. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy
  39. Go to Cornwall and sit on a sandy beach
  40. Finish listening to my Lord of The Rings audiobook
  41. Bake a cake (not just fairy cakes)
  42. Get promoted at work or apply for something else that's not what I currently do! - Changed jobs!!! August 2011
  43. Spend a more days out with friends that have children so Jared can socialise (and me)!
  44. Go and visit my older brother
  45. Take Jared for a walk in some woods
  46. Go swimming
  47. Go to story time or song time with Jared at the library once a month
  48. Have a professionally family photo taken and purchased
  49. Do all my Christmas 2011 shopping before December - Didnt finish it all before Dec
  50. Get a bike and go on bike rides with Jared and Matt
  51. Run the Race for life (or walk it) Done it July 2011 :) In a god time, was 38 mins!
  52. Raise money for charity See above raised over £100
  53. Teach Jared to read - He can read a lot of letters, and can read his name :)
  54. Register with a dentist
  55. Buy some wellington boots
  56. Let my natural hair colour grow out
  57. Have a day out with my younger brothers
  58. Wear an earring in my 2nd pierced hole
  59. Finish Jareds babybook
  60. Have a night every fortnight with Matt with no computers on, just watching a film together - We do usually have a TV/Film night every week :)
  61. Go to Petersfield Lake with Jared and Matt
  62. Go to Porchester castle with Jared and Matt
  63. Have a day out at the Isle of Wight
  64. Go on a hovercraft
  65. Have our carpets cleaned
  66. Take Jared to play football on Southsea Common
  67. Take Jared to a soft play centre again at least 5 times
  68. Have a nice meal out with Matt
  69. Do something special for mine and Matt's 5 year anniversary We had a weekend of getting drunk, that's special enough for me!
  70. Throw Jared a birthday party
  71. Draw a picture once a month
  72. Get photos printed every month
  73. Tell Matt I love him everyday
  74. Display Jared's artwork somewhere at home
  75. Have a night out with friends once every 3 months
  76. Buy a new coat - November 2011
  77. Fly a kite with Jared - We did this in Summer 2011
  78. Take Jared to the fairground
  79. Teach Jared to write his name
  80. Paint my nails once every fortnight - Failing this one
  81. Design my tattoo
  82. Get a tattoo
  83. Walk from Eastney to Clarence Pier with Jared in the summer
  84. Upload Jared's photos he takes with his camera
  85. Don't turn on my laptop for one whole week - DID THIS WHEN IT BROKE 2011 sometime!
  86. have a day out shopping with my best friend Leigh in Brighton
  87. Get my bra size properly measured at a bra shop rather than just guessing
  88. Take vitamins everyday FAILED!
  89. Go to the pub with just my mum
  90. Spend more time with my dad
  91. Get to the bottom of the never ending laundry
  92. Get rid/sell the big pushchair and have Jared walk everywhere
  93. Sort out the cupboard of stuff in the hallway (mine and Matt's years of hoarding)
  94. Take Jared to a panto
  95. Reorganize the living room
  96. Give some clothes to charity
  97. Only have chip shop chips once a month
  98. Only have one other takeaway once a month
  99. Own a dishwasher
  100. Visit natural history museum (London)
  101. Go to a festival (been too many years since I have)